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    The English text below is a machine-translation of the Swedish original text above

with some common rules of convenience.

 Transliteration doesn’t denote the pronunciation, but informs only, that a certain rune was used in the inscription.

Picture 2, Vadstena

Then as the Kylver-stone has existed insides a grave,
there is a question: Why make an inscription when there is no one who can see it?
Without doubt those researchers are correct, that consider it’s fitting to constitute a witchcraft or magic, and to intend to protect the dead for evil powers or to the surviving relatives for the buried rise from the dead.


From the classic people, Greeks and Romans, exist numerous inscriptions, which demonstrate, that the alphabet and other letter groups was used for magic means, like here in these case with the runic alphabet and the independent rune group, which probably isn’t a word, but a group of magic runes. As such is their reading sueus more plausible than sulius since sueus gives the same reading forwards and backwards, which were very common in magic runes.
Similar is the relation with the other inscriptions, where we know the old nordic futhark sequence, the one on the gouldbrakteat, which in the year 1774 was found in the land at Vadstena; and another in the year 1906 was found on a gouldbrakteat, embossed with same stamp but broken at the edge, so that only the half height of the runes is in retains; both renown now in the State's historical museum.
With bracteates is meant a narrow-minded embossed, thin metal plate. The Inscription goes from right to left and is constituted of four groups with eight runes each, of which the three latter is the rune sequence, the first doubtless a magic group of runes, equal that one on the Kylverstone.

The inscription is as follows:

f u þ a r k g w:  h n i j
ї b R s:  t b e m l ŋ o (d)

The Rune sequence shows itself here to consist of a subdivision in three parts, which also is found in younger time, then

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